The Prospective





The image on the left is what the proposed plot looks like now (2001), more or less.It was cut from the larger panoramic composite of the valley :

This fabrication of our proposed winter home has 3 sections:




1.                the original trailer, cleaned, repaired, painted;

2.                an addition on the right (with a bathroom) to double our living space;

3.               a screened porch on the left to let the animals out, without concern for hungry coyotes and curious sidewinders.


with a roof over all.


It may even end up looking something like this. ;)




The purpose of all these images is to give us a contextual perspective of the work ahead, so that we can make our plans, know what to buy, estimate the time factor, etc..


Everything seen here is a blend of various photos & cuts, or outright fabrication. For example, we have no clear photo of the proposed plot area, so the top composite is a best guess.


The 3 sections will be detachable so that ultimately they can be moved up to the first arroyo, a corner of which can be seen in this composite, bottom right.


Building Supplies

(The supplies shown below are

notclickable.Just enjoy as is.)




From This ...

To This ...

To This.





These components were cut from images found on the web, or in our back yard back east.(The large screen panel was derived from the small screen door.)



Some items were fabricated from the shape tools and patterns provided by the image editor, Adobe Photoshop Elements.